Posts in Leadership
When to keep your mouth shut

Some leaders have a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Can you imagine how many problems you could avoid or easily deal with if you keep your mouth shut? Today we are going to see when it pays to follow this sage advice: “If you’re wondering whether or not you should keep your mouth shut– you should.”

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The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37, the General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.” Are you contributing to building a Culture of Peace?

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Can leaders be kind?

Researchers have long studied the impact kindness can have on our own happiness--which seems like it would improve our ability to lead. Research explicitly proves that being kind to others makes us happier. And happy people at work are 12 percent more productive than unhappy people.  Can kindness at work also elevate your leadership? Here are three ways in which simple kindness could bring you more success as a leader at work.

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Equality doesn't mean same, or equal. Equality doesn't guarantee me a starting position on YouTube. Equality means equality of access, the opportunity to do my best without being disqualified for irrelevant reasons. For leaders this means you don't have to treat everyone in an identical manner. But you have to be equally fair with everyone and treat them with dignity.

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It is said that simplicity is the virtue of removing the extraneous to reveal the essence.

The beginning of August is National Simplify Your Life Week. Entrepreneurs and business professionals can use this period to streamline their work and home life. That's because simplicity is a test of whether you're clear about your priorities.

Our immediate environment is a reflection of our mindset - a neat and organized office reflects the discipline with which we approach our vocation. Clutter, on the other hand, betrays our sloppiness. Today I’m sharing 3 suggestions on how to simplify. 

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Traditionally, many organizations think of the term inclusion as part of their diversity efforts. I want to share what Federick Miller and Judith Katz, Ed.D — who did a joint presentation at an Organizational Development Network Conference a few years back —  consider inclusion to be. They see inclusion as an inclusive value system that needs to become part of the organizational culture.

As a leader you are responsible for helping people feel included, to feel part of the “we” that forms the organization. Today we’ll share Inclusion’s three main components:

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How to turn Negativity into Positivity

Negativity is one of the main roadblocks to personal and organizational change. Negativity can work as a virus “infecting” everybody. Today we are going to see how you can conquer negativity by encouraging and sustaining a positive culture that promotes positive attitudes and feelings. Organizations that encourage a culture of positivity, flourish. Here are a few strategies for creating and maintaining a positive work culture.

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3 Obstacles that can derail your change efforts

If you are trying to implement any kind of change, for yourself or for your organization, and are having a hard time doing so, this post is especially for you.

As I go into different organizations a common complaint I hear is how much people resist change. Do you also think change would be a lot easier if there were no resistance to it?  

Today we talk about how eliminating 3 obstacles can greatly improve the success of change.

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7 Mistakes that crush effective business communication-1

Effective business communication costs very little and the results can transform both you and your business. Communication and interpersonal skills are at the top of the list of what matters most today in leadership. Yet there are costly communication mistakes that are behind some of the worst problems leaders encounter. By learning to correct them, you will save time and money, your influence will increase, and you will have better relationships.

Today I'm going to share the first 3 and next week the next 4 mistakes.

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How to lead a healthy workplace for employers and workers

Workers represent half the world’s population and are the major contributors to economic and social development. Their health is determined not only by workplace hazards but also by social and individual factors and access to health services.

Why should you find ways to promote a healthy workplace? Dr. Maria Neira says it succinctly in a very practical way: “The wealth of business depends on the health of workers.” (Director, Department of Public Health and Environment, World Health Organization).

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Come clean: It's National Honesty Day!

April begins with a day that celebrates falsehoods – April Fool’s Day. End it with a day that celebrates and acknowledges the importance of honesty – Honesty Day. Honesty does not need to be a lonely word, or celebrated only once a year. Truthfulness can increase trust and strengthen relationships and make them more productive.

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