Posts tagged change
Why Do You Need A Winning Mindset

What is it that sets apart the very successful people from failures?  Is it a set of personality traits? Is it a particular group of habits? An increased appetite for power? A high intelligence score? I'm sure each of these factors can play a part in success. Yet, as research shows,  the fundamental difference between the wildly successful and the merely mediocre is not any inborn characteristic or individual learned behavior but how the person thinks about skills and learning in general.

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Only 8% of people make changes. Are you one of them?

Let me guess: You want to lose weight in 2018, or just eat healthier. Perhaps you want to spend less money or spend more time with your friends and family. Maybe you want to stop procrastinating and finally start your own business. Whatever it is, Self-improvement, or at least the desire for it, is a shared American hobby.

Estimates say more than 40% of Americans make New Year's resolutions.  But for all the good intentions, only a tiny fraction keep their resolutions. University of Scranton research suggests that just  8% of people achieve their New Year's goals.

You can be included on that 8%. This blogs explains how.

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Why change doesn't work

We are starting the last month of the year. As the year starts unwinding to it’s end, we tend to become more contemplative of our life and work. We take inventory. We weight opportunities. We think about change. . .

Unfortunately, after many years of doing the same, making new resolutions for the new year, and failing at them, many give up on change and on themselves. If you are like them, you think about change, but have come to HATE change. . . or your failure with change. In today's post learn what works.

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How to reduce emotional turmoil during change

Many change efforts fail because people and their emotions are not factored into the equation. Change tends to create or increase anxiety, negativity, and emotional overload. Yet, it can also sharpens focus and purpose. Finding ways to enhance resilience will help reduce emotional burnout.  

Today, we are going to examine some of the most common negative psychological and emotional attitudes toward change that bring resistance and emotional turmoil. We will also explore what you can do to help people reduce emotional reactivity and turn it into energy for change.

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