Posts in Dr. Ada Gonzalez
Why Do You Need A Winning Mindset

What is it that sets apart the very successful people from failures?  Is it a set of personality traits? Is it a particular group of habits? An increased appetite for power? A high intelligence score? I'm sure each of these factors can play a part in success. Yet, as research shows,  the fundamental difference between the wildly successful and the merely mediocre is not any inborn characteristic or individual learned behavior but how the person thinks about skills and learning in general.

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The Power of Pause

Mark National Relaxation Day (August 15), on your calendars! This day serves as a reminder to take it easy. Making time for relaxation is not only beneficial for mood but also has long-term benefits. Stress can cause many problems and common illnesses. Leaders who know how to relax have a better handle on their good mental, emotional and physical health.

Life can be very fast pace at times and we all need a day to celebrate like this one. So go ahead, you can let yourself have this day for yourself. You deserve it. Get rid of that hectic lifestyle and enjoy this day.

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The biggest element for success or failure

After reading many research papers about what is the one element that makes the greatest contribution to the success or failure or leaders, there's one that keeps coming up: attitude!

The most important step you can take toward achieving your greatest potential is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you.

You don’t have a choice over what life throws your way, but you can always choose your attitude, which will influence your response, and ultimately your success.

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Dare to be a freedom-centered leader!

 Freedom centered leadership is inclusive, encourages openness, self-discipline, humbleness, discipline, and selflessness. It’s ethical, promotes dialogue and collaboration and opens a space that is free of fear. All of which leads to joy, creativity, and innovation. We need today leaders who dare to be freedom-centered, not fear-based, in their leadership.

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7 Leadership Lessons from Mother’s Day

Being a mom has been, and continues to be, one of the greatest joys of my life. I’ve experienced many highs, suffered through some lows, doubted myself, learned much, and have been stretched to grow in ways I couldn’t have imagined when I first started this journey almost 40 years ago. 

As I reflect this mother’s day on the lessons that have taught me to be a better mother, I realize that many of the same principles apply to being a trusted and successful leader. Here are 7  leadership lessons I’ve learned from being a mom. . .

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6 Effective ways to lead with your heart

Great leaders know. . . that head and heart need to work together. Leaders are in an ideal position to bring compassion, purpose, and values back into the workplace. To use the power of the heart for inspiration and connection.

By putting people first, and by encouraging and motivating employees, there will be unlimited wells of creativity, initiative, and productivity. In this blog post Dr. Ada shares how you can lead with the heart.

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