Are you committed to change?

Many people seek me because they want to change. Yet, not all of them are ready to change. Even the words you use when talking about change can have an impact on how ready you are to change and with being successful with change. Your vocabulary impacts your attitudes and actions. When it comes to change, words can make a huge difference. 

Most people are not really committed to change. They commit just to try. . . And that doesn't work!  

Find out what does work!

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Ada GonzalezComment
Do you need to change anything?

Many times we talk about our desire to change. As the last month of the year progresses, we start taking inventory and thinking about what we need to change in the new year. We go back and forth between wanting to change and dreading the idea of change. You know deep down there are some things you really need to change, but how do you get ready to change? How can you get to that transformation that will signal you have really changed?

Unless your mind is ready to make a focused, no barrels hold, commitment to change, you are not ready. Do you know where you are in the continuum of readiness to change? December is a good month to contemplate the need for change. Keep reading to learn how to get ready.

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Why change doesn't work

We are starting the last month of the year. As the year starts unwinding to it’s end, we tend to become more contemplative of our life and work. We take inventory. We weight opportunities. We think about change. . .

Unfortunately, after many years of doing the same, making new resolutions for the new year, and failing at them, many give up on change and on themselves. If you are like them, you think about change, but have come to HATE change. . . or your failure with change. In today's post learn what works.

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Share gratitude

It’s the time of year in the US when we all remember to give thanks for our many blessings. It’s a good practice. Yet, it seems to me that designating only one day a year to giving thanks is not enough given the power of gratitude!

According to Cicero, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues but the parent of all others." Multiple studies have shown the correlation between gratitude and increased wellbeing not only for the individual but for all people involved. At present there is an impressive body of research showing the benefits gratitude has for the health of our brain and heart, our level of happiness, the contribution to a positive work environment, and increased productivity. Find out how you can express more gratitude.

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How much would you pay for a smile?

How much do you think a smile would cost?  What value would you assign to a smile given to you?  How would you calculate the residual effect of seeing a smile, or giving a smile? What if your life depended on smiling?

This world is full of people who run around full of negativity– frustration, anger, disappointment. As their frustration piles up, they become contagious spreading it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets, making many around them miserable too.  Frowns abound, smiles are scarcer. 

Few people would argue that smiling is bad for you, but new research is showing just how many ways smiling is beneficial to your career and well-being. Here is a short rundown.

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Careful with your ammo!

Our assumptions play a large part in how we view the world and how we behave towards others, yet they are often invisible to us. Learning to identify your assumptions allows you to see the world in a new light. By identifying your assumptions you have the opportunity to build common ground and consensus.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Look at me!

Leaderswho are always calling attention to themselves can be dangerous. They feel they’re the only ones that can do things right. Any time the achievements of others are mentioned, they have to brag about theirs. They make a lot of noise and many times don’t show as much action. As a result, they create a toxic environment around them. Even if they are bright, people fear them, and keep their distance.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Leadership Words that matter: Responsibility

At the end of the day, if you are irresponsible, you can't expect anybody else to be responsible. It is Responsibility what qualifies you to show up at a higher level of leadership. When you model responsibility, you will also get more responsibility from the other leaders under you and from everybody in the organization.  

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Leadership words that matter: Collaboration

Collaboration has evolved in its meaning. In older times it had a negative connotation. A collaborator was a spy, someone that was collaborating with the enemy. For some leaders it would seem that collaboration is still a negative word!  

Yet, a current working definition of collaboration, shared by several different disciplines is: joining together to make possible that which cannot be accomplished alone. The present business environment demands that kind of collaboration. 

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Leadership words that matter: Hope

Hope is one of those words that brings a lot of good feelings. When people become hopeless they get depressed, “lose heart,” “give up.” Some even want to die. However, no case of suicide has ever happened because a person had too much hope.

Without hope you don’t take action on anything, much less tackle change. Hope get us up in the morning. As a leader, hope makes you strategize and act upon your dreams and goals. 

So hope is good. . . right? Well. . . kind of. . .

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Leadership Words Matter

Nice words, ugly words, kind words, curse words, thankful words, sad words, positive words, negative words. . . What kind of words you use, said with what tone of voice, at what time, and how many of them. . . it all matters. Whether the environment of your business is productive and uplifting or negative and miserable depends, in great measure, on the words you use.

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Is your skin thick enough?

You need a mental thick skin to meet the barbs and scratches of life in the spotlight. At the same time, as a leader you need to have the courage to say what you mean and mean what you say. And to do this even when others don’t like it. This idea of leaders needing a rhino's skin is not mine, it belongs to a very famous lady, Eleanor Roosevelt. Keep reading to discover what it means.

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