How many times do I have to say it?


I hear this question often.

I hear it from leaders tired of sending emails and other forms of communication about something and finding out that people don’t read them, yet they complain about lack of communication.

I hear it from parents complaining that they repeat the same messages to their children and they seem to forget or not care.

I hear it from couples that feel the other doesn’t do “anything” before they have had to repeat themselves many times, and by then are exasperated.

Here is the real deal, you will have to say it again. . . and again!

There is an old Latin phrase that’s engraved into stone: Repetitio mater studiorum est | Repetition is the mother of all learning. Even though it’s such an old phrase modern research on principles of learning back up this truth.

How can leaders ensure that their messages become part of the culture of the organization? – through repetition. Don’t be short-sighted or frustrated when you have to tell something more than once. It is the power of repetition that changes people and reinforces your message.

Leadership communication is about repetition, whether you like it or not. Repetition might sound boring, but it is one of the most effective workplace communication tools.

Do you really want to have organizational alignment, collaboration, and high performance? Repetition is indispensable.

How can parents make sure their children acquire values and learn valuable life skills? You have to patiently and consistently keep repeating what you want them to learn. Hopefully using short phrases that years later they can remember. One such phrase I remember my father repeating to me often was “don’t give up before giving it your best effort.” That has served me well.

And your partner? We all have too many things in our plate. You have first to make sure you have his attention (not while the game is at its most intense moment!), then you might have to give him a reminder later, or suggest it’s on his calendar.

Repeat, repeat, repeat – a person begins to believe what she hears and begins to internalize it after she listens to the same message over and over several times.

Remember. . .

Pick a message you want to spread and keep on saying it everywhere and all the time with the utmost conviction and sincerity. It will eventually stick!

I can help you and the leaders that report to you have more effective communication. To find out more, simply click here. I also help professional couples communicate in a way that their connection is strengthened. Find out more by exploring my programs. Or you can schedule a call directly on my calendar.

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