Leadership Checklist

How good is your leadership?

I recently found an excellent checklist for leaders which I think every leader should review at least once a year. The beginning of the last quarter of the year is a time for discarding what is not working and finding new ideas. Therefore, today I want to remind you of the top 10 leadership checks you should reflect on.

Top 10 Leadership Checks

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  1.   As a leader, I seek first to understand, and I listen to people until they feel heard (empathic listening).

  2. As a leader, I set the example others wish to emulate.

  3. As a leader, I vary my leadership style to motivate when needed or direct based on the needs and abilities of the team.

  4. As a leader, I vary my leadership style between people-focused and task-focused based on the situation I’m in.

  5. As a leader, I continuously find ways to simplify.

  6. As a leader, I focus on service to others.

  7. As a leader, I allocate time for what’s important.

  8. As a leader, I do what I say I will do.

  9. As a leader, I create a compelling vision that inspires people to rally around.

  10. As a leader, I take feedback and adapt in response.

This is just a general list to start your reflection. I would encourage you to take a bit more time and decide on which ones will you focus on for your development in the upcoming months.

Remember. . .

Research on motivation shows that you will change and grow only if you are willing to try new behaviors. If by going through the leadership checklist you see an area you need to improve on, ask yourself: Am I willing to try something different in order to develop this area?

I can help you try something different. I have a few spots coming open for executive coaching at the end of this month. I don’t work with many people, therefore these spots are coveted and tend to fill up quickly. Working with me you will find your best individual path for development and change. To find out more, check my Strategic Executive Coaching program or schedule a strategic complimentary call with me.