Words are not enough! See what else you need. . .

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I love words. I like reading them, shaping them into sentences and articles, pondering their meaning, playing with their rhythms, clarifying them, translating them. . . and so on.

In fact, much of what I do revolves around words. In my work with couples, I help them find better ways to communicate and connect. In my work with organizations I facilitate conversations that produce better results by respecting words and using words in a positive way.

And yet, words are not enough!

It’s not enough to talk. You also need to act.

It’s not enough to say “sorry for your loss,”

you also need to help in concrete ways.

It’s not enough to say “I love you,” to your sweetheart,

you also need to act with love, not with anger.

It’s not enough to say “I’m sorry,”

You actually need to change your behavior.

It’s not enough to explain. You also need to show.

It’s not enough to set goals. You need to supervise and encourage.

It’s not enough to be named a leader. You have to be a leader.

Remember. . .

Words alone don’t make you a good partner. Words alone don’t make you a leader. Words need the substance of actions to become alive. Make sure you do love in a way that supports your talk of love. Make sure you do leadership in a way that supports your leadership talk. Walk your talk!


At work or at home, the quality of relationships is based on the quality of your communication. You can walk your talk by asking for Dr. Ada’s Free Communication Guidelines Infographic and Recording which shows you how to restore effective communication, get out of conflict, and get back to sane and productive dialogue.